Aunty Sandra Lee was a Dharug champion who campaigned for recognition of the BNI site as foundational to Australia’s history and identity and for its return to Dharug care.
During NAIDOC Week 2022, ABC Education reposted an interview on the BNI site with Aunty Sandra that was first broadcast in May 2012. In the interview, Aunty Sandra reflects on the importance of the site and the Dharug struggle for recognition and survival. With permission of her son, Peter, who was a Director of DSMG until family commitments and workload made his continuation as a Director to much of a burden, DSMG is happy to recommend all our visitors and supporter visit the ABC site to review this important interview.
Aunty Sandra’s advocacy of the return of the BNI site and the vision of its healing and development of a Dharug Cultural Centre on the site that she shared with many others was instrumental in the establishment of DSMG to receive title to the land on behalf of Dharug people. DSMG honours her life and contribution and thanks her family for permission to do so publicly here on the DSMG website.
Aunty Sandra passed away 21 March 2022 and is much missed by her family, friends and community.
Visit the ABC clip here