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Updating the Conservation Management Plan for the BNI

As we prepare to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the site’s return to Dharug care and commemorate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Institution on the site in 1823, we want to finalise a strong, Dharug-focused plan for the site. Previous draft plans, including the most recent 2015 version, have focused on the site’s links to colonial heritage. The final plan will emphasise the BNI’s important place in the Dharug cultural landscape and in strong Dharug futures that reflect the area’s long Dharug history, as well as its colonial heritage.

Dharug Strategic Management Group Ltd is working with GML Heritage Ltd to finalise the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the Blacktown Native Institution site. Dharug community members are invited to a meeting on site to help finalise the plan.

The meeting will update community on progress and welcome further Dharug community contributions and input to the CMP including stories, photographs, poetry, and other materials to ensure the Final Conservation Management Plan is a Dharug plan that helps to heal Ngura and yura at this important place.

Since the site is so wet with the ongoing rain and flooding across the Bells Creek catchment, we are holding the meeting at the Mount Druitt Hub.


Date: Saturday July 23rd – 1.30 for 2.00pm start

Venue: The Mount Druitt Hub. Community Room 2

Level 1, 9 Ayres Grove Mount Druitt


1.30 Arrival, tea and coffee

2.00 Welcome

2.15 Update on DSMG, the site and the CMP (including introduction to GML staff)

2.45 Yarning Circle for community comments, ideas and questions

4.00 Next steps and Thanks


Please note that this is not a public meeting – it is a meeting for Dharug community members.

Please RSVP for catering by 5pm Wednesday July 20 to

All DSMG Directors take our responsibility to Dharug Culture, Country, and Community seriously. For this reason, we ask that everybody attends this event in good spirit, that they respect the spirit of the BNI site and act in ways that enhance cultural safety, healing and caring throughout the meeting.

DSMG acknowledges that finalisation of the CMP is proudly funded by a small Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Grant from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and the generous support of GML Heritage Ltd whose team members Dr Tim Owen and Dr Charlotte Feakins will be assisting at the meeting.

NSW Heritage Grants – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage #21-23ACH019


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